Pascha/The Resurrection
The latter chapters of all four Gospels
Moveable Feast in the Spring
The triumphant Christ is shown in the center standing on the ‘Gates of Hell’ which he broke through His Resurrection. The gates form a cross which the Lord used to destroy them. Hinges, nails, locks and keys float in the darkness of the tomb symbolizing death’s loss of power to bind. Christ is robed in gold and red symbolizing His divinity and martyrdom which combined to bring salvation to man.

Christ grasps the hand of Adam with Eve standing nearby, the first to be freed from Hades, while His other hands hold the scroll containing the prophecies about Him. Following them are the Old Testament righteous led by their son Abel (the first man to die) in a shepherd’s garment alluding to his acceptable offering in Genesis.

Behind Christ stands John the Baptist, the greatest of the Old Testament saints (Matt. 11:11). John is followed by King David and his son Solomon, kings and prophets of the Old Testament, all of whom were physical ancestors of Christ. Because through their actions and writings the pointed to Christ, they are shown with haloes and hand gestures directing the viewer to the Savior. Christ’s halo has the distinctive cross alluding to the Trinity.